AbsoluteSize - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
A Size object which indicates that the size of the enclosed object should be the specified absolute size.
AbsoluteSize(Dimension) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.AbsoluteSize
Instantiates an object which indicates size of an object.
AbsoluteSize(int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.AbsoluteSize
Instantiates an object which indicates size of an object.
AbstractImageSink<T> - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An abstract class for ImageSinks.
AbstractImageSource<T> - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An abstract class for ImageSources.
AbstractResizer - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
A class which performs a resize operation on a source image and outputs the result to a destination image.
add(ImageFilter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Adds an ImageFilter to the pipeline.
addAll(List<ImageFilter>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Adds a List of ImageFilters to the pipeline.
addFilter(ImageFilter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Adds a ImageFilter to apply to the thumbnail.
addFilters(List<ImageFilter>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Adds multiple ImageFilters to apply to the thumbnail.
addFirst(ImageFilter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Adds an ImageFilter to the beginning of the pipeline.
allowOverwrite(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies whether or not to overwrite files which already exist if they have been specified as destination files.
AlphaInterpolation - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An enum which is used to specify the alpha interpolation settings of the resizing operations.
alphaInterpolation(AlphaInterpolation) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the alpha interpolation mode when performing the resizing operation to generate the thumbnail.
Antialiasing - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An enum which is used to specify the antialiasing settings of the resizing operations.
antialiasing(Antialiasing) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the antialiasing mode when performing the resizing operation to generate the thumbnail.
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Caption
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Colorize
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.ImageFilter
Applies a image filtering operation on an image.
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Transparency
apply(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Watermark
apply(String, ThumbnailParameter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Applies the function performed by this Rename on the specified name and thumbnail creation parameters.
asBufferedImage() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates a thumbnail and returns it as a BufferedImage.
asBufferedImages() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Create the thumbnails and return as a List of BufferedImages.
asFiles(Iterable<File>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates the thumbnails and stores them to the files, and returns a List of Files to the thumbnails.
asFiles(Rename) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates thumbnails and stores them to files using the Rename function to determine the filenames.
asFiles(File, Rename) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates thumbnails and stores them to files in the directory specified by the given File object, and using the Rename function to determine the filenames.


BicubicResizer - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
Image resizer class using bicubic interpolation for the resizing operation.
BicubicResizer() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BicubicResizer
Instantiates a BicubicResizer with default rendering hints.
BicubicResizer(Map<RenderingHints.Key, Object>) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BicubicResizer
Instantiates a BicubicResizer with the specified rendering hints.
BilinearResizer - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
Image resizer class using bilinear interpolation for the resizing operation.
BilinearResizer() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BilinearResizer
Instantiates a BilinearResizer with default rendering hints.
BilinearResizer(Map<RenderingHints.Key, Object>) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BilinearResizer
Instantiates a BilinearResizer with the specified rendering hints.
BufferedImageBuilder - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders
A builder for creating BufferedImage with specified parameters.
BufferedImageBuilder(Dimension) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Instantiates a BufferedImageBuilder with the specified size, and the default image type.
BufferedImageBuilder(Dimension, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Instantiates a BufferedImageBuilder with the specified size and image type.
BufferedImageBuilder(int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Instantiates a BufferedImageBuilder with the specified size, and the default image type.
BufferedImageBuilder(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Instantiates a BufferedImageBuilder with the specified size and image type.
BufferedImages - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util
This class provides convenience methods for using BufferedImages.
BufferedImageSink - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSink which stores the resulting thumbnail to a BufferedImage.
BufferedImageSink() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSink
BufferedImageSource - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSource which uses a BufferedImage as the source image.
BufferedImageSource(BufferedImage) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSource
Instantiates a BufferedImageSource object with the BufferedImage that should be used as the source image for making thumbnails.
build() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Generates a new BufferedImage.
build() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Returns a ThumbnailParameter from the parameters which are currently set.


calculate(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.AbsoluteSize
calculate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Coordinate
calculate(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Position
Calculates the position of an object enclosed by an enclosing object.
calculate(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Region
Calculates the position and size of the enclosed region, relative to the enclosing region.
calculate(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.RelativeSize
calculate(int, int) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Size
Calculates the size of the object.
Canvas - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An ImageFilter which will enclose an image into a specified enclosing image.
Canvas(int, int, Position) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas
Instantiates a Canvas filter.
Canvas(int, int, Position, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas
Instantiates a Canvas filter.
Canvas(int, int, Position, Color) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas
Instantiates a Canvas filter.
Canvas(int, int, Position, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas
Instantiates a Canvas filter.
Caption - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An ImageFilter which will overlay a text caption to an image.
Caption(String, Font, Color, float, Position, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Caption
Instantiates a filter which adds a text caption to an image.
Caption(String, Font, Color, Position, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Caption
Instantiates a filter which adds a text caption to an image.
Colorize - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An image filter which will add a color tint to an image.
Colorize(Color) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Colorize
Instantiates this filter with the color to use to tint the target image with.
Colorize(Color, float) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Colorize
Instantiates this filter with the color to use to tint the target image with and the transparency level provided as a float ranging from 0.0f to 1.0f, where 0.0f indicates completely transparent, and 1.0f indicates completely opaque.
Colorize(Color, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Colorize
Instantiates this filter with the color to use to tint the target image with and the transparency level provided as a int ranging from 0 to 255, where 0 indicates completely transparent, and 255 indicates completely opaque.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.name
This class is used to produce file names based on a given format string and an internal counter which increments every time a new file name is produced.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are consecutively numbered beginning from 0.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are consecutively numbered beginning from the given value.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(File) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are consecutively numbered beginning from 0, with the directory specified.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(String) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are based on a format string.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(File, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are consecutively numbered beginning from from the given value, with the directory specified.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(File, String) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are based on a format string, located in the directory specified.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(String, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are based on a format string.
ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames(File, String, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Instantiates an ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames object which returns Files with file names which are based on a format string, located in the directory specified.
Coordinate - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
This class calculates the position of an image which is to be enclosed, using an absolute coordinate at which the image should be located.
Coordinate(int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Coordinate
Instantiates an object which calculates the position of an image, using the given coordinates.
copy(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.BufferedImages
Returns a BufferedImage which is a graphical copy of the specified image.
copy(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.BufferedImages
Returns a BufferedImage with the specified image type, where the graphical content is a copy of the specified image.
createThumbnail(ThumbnailTask<?, ?>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from parameters specified in a ThumbnailTask.
createThumbnail(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail.
createThumbnail(File, File, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from an source image and writes the thumbnail to a destination file.
createThumbnail(File, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from an image file, and returns as a BufferedImage.
createThumbnail(Image, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from an Image.
createThumbnail(InputStream, OutputStream, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from image data streamed from an InputStream and streams the data out to an OutputStream.
createThumbnail(InputStream, OutputStream, String, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Creates a thumbnail from image data streamed from an InputStream and streams the data out to an OutputStream, with the specified format for the output data.
createThumbnails(Collection<? extends File>, Rename, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Thumbnails.fromFiles(Iterable) interface. This method will be removed in 0.5.0, and will not be further maintained.
createThumbnailsAsCollection(Collection<? extends File>, Rename, int, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnailator
Deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Thumbnails.fromFiles(Iterable) interface. This method will be removed in 0.5.0, and will not be further maintained.
crop(Position) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Crops the thumbnail to the size specified when calling the Thumbnails.Builder.size(int, int) method, positioned by the given Position object.


DEFAULT_FORMAT_TYPE - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the output format type of the thumbnail should be the default type of the codec being used.
DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the default image type should be used when creating the thumbnail.
DEFAULT_QUALITY - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the default compression quality settings should be used when creating the thumbnail.
defaultImageType() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the type of the BufferedImage to be the default type.
defaultResizer() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the Resizer to use the default Resizer.
defaultResizerFactory() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the ResizerFactory to use DefaultResizerFactory.
DefaultResizerFactory - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
This class provides factory methods which provides suitable Resizers for a given situation.
DETERMINE_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the output format of the thumbnail should be the determined from available information such as the file name of the thumbnail.
determineOutputFormat() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Indicates that the output format should be determined from the available information when writing the thumbnail image.
Dithering - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An enum which is used to specify the dithering settings of the resizing operations.
dithering(Dithering) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the dithering mode when performing the resizing operation to generate the thumbnail.


equals(Object) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns whether this object is equal to the given object.
ExifFilterUtils - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
An utility class which returns a suitable ImageFilter to perform the transformations necessary to properly orient an image according to the Exif metadata.
ExifUtils - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
An utility class used to obtain the orientation information from a given Exif metadata.


FileImageSink - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSink which writes the resulting thumbnail to a file.
FileImageSink(File) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Instantiates a FileImageSink with the file to which the thumbnail should be written to.
FileImageSink(File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Instantiates a FileImageSink with the file to which the thumbnail should be written to.
FileImageSink(String) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Instantiates a FileImageSink with the file to which the thumbnail should be written to.
FileImageSink(String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Instantiates a FileImageSink with the file to which the thumbnail should be written to.
FileImageSource - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSource which reads the source image from a file.
FileImageSource(File) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSource
Instantiates a FileImageSource with the specified file as the source image.
FileImageSource(String) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSource
Instantiates a FileImageSource with the specified file as the source image.
FileThumbnailTask - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
A thumbnail generation task which reads and writes data from and to a File.
FileThumbnailTask(ThumbnailParameter, File, File) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
Creates a ThumbnailTask in which image data is read from the specified File and is output to a specified File, using the parameters provided in the specified ThumbnailParameter.
filters(List<ImageFilter>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the ImageFilters to apply to the thumbnail.
fitWithinDimenions() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns whether or not to fit the thumbnail within the specified dimensions.
fitWithinDimensions(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets whether or not the thumbnail should fit within the specified dimensions.
fitWithinDimensions(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Sets whether or not the thumbnail should fit within the specified dimensions.
FixedResizerFactory - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
A ResizerFactory that returns a specific Resizer unconditionally.
FixedResizerFactory(Resizer) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.FixedResizerFactory
Creates an instance of the FixedResizerFactory which returns the speicifed Resizer under all circumstances.
FixedSizeThumbnailMaker - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers
A ThumbnailMaker which resizes an image to a specified dimension when producing a thumbnail.
FixedSizeThumbnailMaker() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Creates a FixedSizeThumbnailMaker.
FixedSizeThumbnailMaker(int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Creates a FixedSizeThumbnailMaker which creates thumbnails with the specified size.
FixedSizeThumbnailMaker(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Creates a FixedSizeThumbnailMaker which creates thumbnails with the specified size.
FixedSizeThumbnailMaker(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Creates a FixedSizeThumbnailMaker which creates thumbnails with the specified size.
Flip - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
A class containing flip transformation filters.
Flip() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Flip
forceSize(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the size of the thumbnail.
format(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the output format of the thumbnail.
formatType(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the output format type of the thumbnail.
fromFilenames(Iterable<String>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails for images with the specified filenames.
fromFiles(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified Files.
fromImages(Iterable<BufferedImage>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified BufferedImages.
fromInputStreams(Iterable<? extends InputStream>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails for images obtained from the specified InputStreams.
fromURLs(Iterable<URL>) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails for images with the specified URLs.


getAlpha() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Transparency
Returns the opacity of this filter.
getCount() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns the count element in the IFD structure, indicating the number of values the value field..
getDestination() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
getDestination() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.SourceSinkThumbnailTask
getDestination() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
getDestination() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.ThumbnailTask
Returns the destination to which the thumbnail is stored or written.
getExifOrientation(ImageReader, int) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.ExifUtils
Returns the orientation obtained from the Exif metadata.
getFilterForOrientation(Orientation) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.ExifFilterUtils
Returns a ImageFilter which will perform the transformations required to properly orient the thumbnail according to the Exif orientation.
getFilters() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Returns a list of ImageFilters which will be applied by this Pipeline.
getFormatName() - Method in exception net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.UnsupportedFormatException
Returns the format name which is not supported.
getHeightScalingFactor() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the scaling factor to apply to the height when creating the thumbnail.
getImageFilters() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the list of ImageFilters which are applied to the thumbnail.
getInputFormatName() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSource
getInputFormatName() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSource
Returns the name of the image format.
getInstance() - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.DefaultResizerFactory
Returns an instance of this class.
getKey() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.AlphaInterpolation
getKey() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Antialiasing
getKey() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Dithering
getKey() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Rendering
getKey() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.ResizerConfiguration
Returns a rendering hint key.
getOffsetValue() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns either the offset or value of the IFD.
getOutputFormat() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the output format for the thumbnail.
getOutputFormatType() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the output format type for the thumbnail.
getOutputQuality() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the compression quality settings for the thumbnail.
getParam() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
getParam() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
getParam() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.ThumbnailTask
Returns the ThumbnailParameter for this ThumbnailTask, used when performing a thumbnail generation operation.
getPosition() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Region
Returns the position of the region.
getProxy() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Returns the proxy to use when connecting to the URL to retrieve the source image.
getRenderingHints() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.AbstractResizer
Returns the rendering hints that the resizer uses.
getResizer() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.DefaultResizerFactory
getResizer(Dimension, Dimension) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.DefaultResizerFactory
getResizer() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.FixedResizerFactory
getResizer(Dimension, Dimension) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.FixedResizerFactory
getResizer() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.ResizerFactory
Returns the default Resizer.
getResizer(Dimension, Dimension) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.ResizerFactory
Returns a suitable Resizer, given the Dimensions of the original image and the thumbnail image.
getResizer() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the default Resizer that will be used when performing the resizing operation to create a thumbnail.
getResizerFactory() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the ResizerFactory for obtaining a Resizer which is to be used when performing the resizing operation to create a thumbnail.
getSink() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSink
Returns the thumbnail.
getSink() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Returns the detination file of the thumbnail image.
getSink() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSink
Returns the destination to which the thumbnail will be stored or written.
getSink() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.OutputStreamImageSink
getSize() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Region
Returns the size of the region.
getSize() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the size of the thumbnail.
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSource
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSource
Returns the source file from which an image is read.
getSource() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSource
Returns the source from which the image is read or retrieved.
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.InputStreamImageSource
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Returns the URL from which the source image is retrieved from.
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.SourceSinkThumbnailTask
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
getSource() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.ThumbnailTask
Returns the source from which the source image is retrieved or read.
getSourceRegion() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the region of the source image to use when creating a thumbnail, represented by a Region object.
getSupportedOutputFormats() - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.ThumbnailatorUtils
Returns a List of supported output formats.
getSupportedOutputFormatTypes(String) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.ThumbnailatorUtils
Returns a List of supported output formats types for a specified output format.
getTag() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns the tag element in the IFD structure.
getType() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the type of image.
getType() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns the type element in the IFD structure.
getValue() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.AlphaInterpolation
getValue() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Antialiasing
getValue() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Dithering
getValue() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Rendering
getValue() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.ResizerConfiguration
Returns a rendering hint value.
getWidthScalingFactor() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns the scaling factor to apply to the width when creating the thumbnail.


hashCode() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns the calculated hash code for this object.
height(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Sets the height for the BufferedImage.
height(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the height of the thumbnail.
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Flip
An image filter which performs a horizontal flip of the image.


IfdStructure - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
IFD structure as defined in Section 4.6.2 of the Exif Specification version 2.3.
IfdStructure(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Instantiates a IFD with the given attributes.
IfdType - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
This enum corresponds to the types of data present in an IFD, as defined in Section 4.6.2 of the Exif Specification version 2.3.
ImageFilter - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
This interface is to be implemented by classes which performs an image filtering operation on a BufferedImage.
ImageSink<T> - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An interface to be implemented by classes which stores the image resulting from a thumbnail generation task.
ImageSource<T> - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An interface to be implemented by classes which read or retrieve images from which a thumbnail should be produced.
imageType(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Sets the type of the image of the BufferedImage.
imageType(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the image type fo the thumbnail.
imageType(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the type for the BufferedImage to produce.
imageType(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the image type of the thumbnail.
InputStreamImageSource - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSource which uses an InputStream to read the source image.
InputStreamImageSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.InputStreamImageSource
Instantiates an InputStreamImageSource with the InputStream which will be used to read the source image.
isKeepAspectRatio() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns whether or not the thumbnail is to maintain the aspect ratio of the source image when creating the thumbnail.
isOffset() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns whether the value returned by the IfdStructure.getOffsetValue() method is an offset value.
isSupportedOutputFormat(String) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.ThumbnailatorUtils
Returns whether a specified format is supported for output.
isSupportedOutputFormatType(String, String) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.ThumbnailatorUtils
Returns whether a specified format type is supported for a specified output format.
isValue() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns whether the value returned by the IfdStructure.getOffsetValue() method is an actual value.
iterableBufferedImages() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Create the thumbnails and return as a Iterable of BufferedImages.
iterator() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.ConsecutivelyNumberedFilenames
Returns an iterator which generates file names according to the rules specified by this object.


keepAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets whether or not the thumbnail is to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image.
keepAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Sets whether or not the thumbnail is to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image.
keepAspectRatio(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets whether or not to keep the aspect ratio of the original image for the thumbnail.


LEFT_90_DEGREES - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Rotation
A Rotator which will rotate a specified image to the left 90 degrees.


make(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
make(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
make(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Makes a thumbnail.


net.coobird.thumbnailator - package net.coobird.thumbnailator
This package contains classes which provide the core functionalities of Thumbnailator.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders
This package provides classes which provides convenient builders for classes which are used by Thumbnailator.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
This package provides classes which perform filtering operations on images, such as adding watermark, text captions, and color tints.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
This package contains classes used to specify positioning of watermarks and other objects in Thumbnailator.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers
This package provides classes which can be used to make thumbnails given parameters to create the images.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.name - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.name
This package contains classes used to generate file names when saving thumbnail images to files.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
This package provides classes which perform image resizing operations which is used to create thumbnails with Thumbnailator.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
This package provides enums which are used to set rendering hints used when using Resizers to create thumbnails.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations, which can be used to aid in creating and writing thumbnails to and from external sources.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations in conjunction with the SourceSinkThumbnailTask class.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.util - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.util
This package contains utilities classes used by Thumbnailator.
net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif - package net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
This package contains utilities classes used to handle Exif metadata.
newRotator(double) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Rotation
Creates a new instance of Rotator which rotates an image at the specified angle.
NO_CHANGE - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
A Rename which does not alter the given file name.
NullResizer - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
A Resizer which does not actually resize the image.
NullResizer() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.NullResizer
Instantiates the NullResizer which draws the source image at the origin of the destination image.


of(String...) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails for images with the specified filenames.
of(File...) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified Files.
of(URL...) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified URLs.
of(InputStream...) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified InputStreams.
of(BufferedImage...) - Static method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
Indicate to make thumbnails from the specified BufferedImages.
Orientation - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif
Representation for the Orientation (Tag 274) in the Exif metadata, as defined in Section 4.6.4 of the Exif Specification version 2.3.
ORIGINAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the output format of the thumbnail should be the same as the format of the original image.
ORIGINAL_IMAGE_TYPE - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
A constant used to denote that the image type of the original image should be used when creating the thumbnail.
outputFormat(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the compression format to use when writing the thumbnail.
outputFormatType(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the compression format type of the thumbnail to write.
outputQuality(float) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the output quality of the compression algorithm used to compress the thumbnail when it is written to an external destination such as a file or output stream.
outputQuality(double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the output quality of the compression algorithm used to compress the thumbnail when it is written to an external destination such as a file or output stream.
OutputStreamImageSink - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSink which specifies an OutputStream to which the thumbnail image should be written to.
OutputStreamImageSink(OutputStream) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.OutputStreamImageSink
Instantiates an OutputStreamImageSink with the OutputStream to which the thumbnail should be written to.


Pipeline - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An ImageFilter which will apply multiple ImageFilters in a specific order.
Pipeline() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Instantiates a new Pipeline with no image filters to apply.
Pipeline(ImageFilter...) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Instantiates a new Pipeline with an array of ImageFilters to apply.
Pipeline(List<ImageFilter>) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Pipeline
Instantiates a new Pipeline with a list of ImageFilters to apply.
Position - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
This interface is implemented by classes which calculate how to position an object inside of an enclosing object.
Positions - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
An enum of predefined Positions.
preferredOutputFormatName() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSink
preferredOutputFormatName() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
preferredOutputFormatName() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSink
Returns the output format to use from information provided for the output image.
PREFIX_DOT_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Appends thumbnail. to the beginning of the file name.
PREFIX_HYPHEN_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Appends thumbnail- to the beginning of the file name.
PREFIX_HYPTHEN_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Deprecated. Please use the correctly spelled Rename.PREFIX_HYPHEN_THUMBNAIL. This constant will be removed in Thumbnailator 0.5.0.
ProgressiveBilinearResizer - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
A Resizer which performs resizing operations by using progressive bilinear scaling.
ProgressiveBilinearResizer() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.ProgressiveBilinearResizer
Instantiates a ProgressiveBilinearResizer with default rendering hints.
ProgressiveBilinearResizer(Map<RenderingHints.Key, Object>) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.ProgressiveBilinearResizer
Instantiates a ProgressiveBilinearResizer with the specified rendering hints.


quality(float) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the compression quality setting of the thumbnail.


read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSource
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSource
read() - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSource
Retrieves the image from the source.
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.InputStreamImageSource
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.SourceSinkThumbnailTask
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
read() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.ThumbnailTask
Reads a source image.
region(Region) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the region of the source image to use when creating a thumbnail.
Region - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
A representation of a region, using a Position object and a Dimension object.
Region(Position, Size) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Region
Instantiates a representation of a region from a Position and Size.
RelativeSize - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
Calculates the size of an enclosed object relative to the enclosing object.
RelativeSize(double) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.RelativeSize
Instantiates an object which calculates the size of an object, using the given scaling factor.
Rename - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.name
This class is used to rename file names.
Rendering - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An enum which is used to specify the dithering settings of the resizing operations.
rendering(Rendering) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the rendering mode when performing the resizing operation to generate the thumbnail.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.AbstractResizer
Performs a resize operation from a source image and outputs to a destination image.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BicubicResizer
Resizes an image using bicubic interpolation.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.BilinearResizer
Resizes an image using bilinear interpolation.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.NullResizer
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.ProgressiveBilinearResizer
Resizes an image using the progressive bilinear scaling technique.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.Resizer
Resizes an image.
resize(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.Resizers
resizer(Resizer) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the Resizer to use when performing the resizing operation to create the thumbnail.
resizer(Resizer) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the Resizer which is used for the resizing operation.
Resizer - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
This interface is implemented by classes which perform resizing operations.
resizer(Resizer) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the resizing operation to use when creating the thumbnail.
ResizerConfiguration - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An interface which are implemented by classes and enums which provide configuration information for Resizers.
resizerFactory(ResizerFactory) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the ResizerFactory to use to obtain a Resizer when performing the resizing operation to create the thumbnail.
resizerFactory(ResizerFactory) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Sets the ResizerFactory which is used to obtain a Resizer for the resizing operation.
ResizerFactory - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
This interface is implemented by all classes which will return a Resizer that should be used when creating a thumbnail.
resizerFactory(ResizerFactory) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the ResizerFactory object to use to decide what kind of resizing operation is to be used when creating the thumbnail.
Resizers - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers
This enum can be used to select a specific Resizer in order to perform a resizing operation.
RIGHT_90_DEGREES - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Rotation
A Rotator which will rotate a specified image to the right 90 degrees.
rotate(double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the amount of rotation to apply to the thumbnail.
ROTATE_180_DEGREES - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Rotation
A Rotator which will rotate a specified image to the 180 degrees.
Rotation - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
A class containing rotation filters.
Rotation.Rotator - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An ImageFilter which applies a rotation to an image.


scale(double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the scaling factor of the thumbnail.
scale(double, double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the scaling factor of the thumbnail.
scale(double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
Sets the scaling factor for the thumbnail.
scale(double, double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
Sets the scaling factors for the thumbnail.
scale(double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the scaling factor of the thumbnail.
scale(double, double) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the scaling factor for the width and height of the thumbnail.
ScaledThumbnailMaker - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers
A ThumbnailMaker which scales an image by a specified scaling factor when producing a thumbnail.
ScaledThumbnailMaker() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
Creates an instance of ScaledThumbnailMaker without the scaling factor specified.
ScaledThumbnailMaker(double) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
Creates an instance of ScaledThumbnailMaker with the specified scaling factor.
ScaledThumbnailMaker(double, double) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ScaledThumbnailMaker
Creates an instance of ScaledThumbnailMaker with the specified scaling factors for the width and height.
ScalingMode - Enum in net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations
An enum which is used to specify how to scale images when creating thumbnails.
scalingMode(ScalingMode) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the resizing scaling mode to use when creating the thumbnail.
setOutputFormatName(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSink
setOutputFormatName(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSink
setOutputFormatName(String) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSink
Sets the output format of the resulting image.
setThumbnailParameter(ThumbnailParameter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSink
setThumbnailParameter(ThumbnailParameter) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSource
setThumbnailParameter(ThumbnailParameter) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSink
Sets the ThumbnailParameter from which to retrieve parameters to use when storing the image.
setThumbnailParameter(ThumbnailParameter) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSource
Sets the ThumbnailParameter from which to retrieve parameters to use when retrieving the image.
size(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Sets the size for the BufferedImage.
size(Dimension) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the size of the thumbnail.
size(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets the size of the thumbnail.
Size - Interface in net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry
This interface is implemented by classes which calculate the size of an object inside of an enclosing object.
size(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.FixedSizeThumbnailMaker
Sets the size of the thumbnail to produce.
size(int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the size of the thumbnail.
size() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns the size in bytes for this IFD type.
sourceRegion(Region) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies the source region from which the thumbnail is to be created from.
sourceRegion(Position, Size) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies the source region from which the thumbnail is to be created from.
sourceRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies the source region from which the thumbnail is to be created from.
sourceRegion(Position, int, int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies the source region from which the thumbnail is to be created from.
sourceRegion(Rectangle) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Specifies the source region from which the thumbnail is to be created from.
SourceSinkThumbnailTask<S,D> - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
A ThumbnailTask which holds an ImageSource from which the image is read or retrieved, and an ImageSink to which the thumbnail is stored or written.
SourceSinkThumbnailTask(ThumbnailParameter, ImageSource<S>, ImageSink<D>) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.SourceSinkThumbnailTask
Creates a ThumbnailTask in which an image is retrived from the specified ImageSource and written to the specified ImageSink, using the parameters provided in the specified ThumbnailParameter.
StreamThumbnailTask - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
A thumbnail generation task which streams data from an InputStream to an OutputStream.
StreamThumbnailTask(ThumbnailParameter, InputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
Creates a ThumbnailTask in which streamed image data from the specified InputStream is output to a specified OutputStream, using the parameters provided in the specified ThumbnailParameter.
SUFFIX_DOT_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Appends .thumbnail to the file name prior to the extension of the file.
SUFFIX_HYPHEN_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Appends -thumbnail to the file name prior to the extension of the file.
SUFFIX_HYPTHEN_THUMBNAIL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.name.Rename
Deprecated. Please use the correctly spelled Rename.SUFFIX_HYPHEN_THUMBNAIL. This constant will be removed in Thumbnailator 0.5.0.


Thumbnailator - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator
This class provides static utility methods which perform generation of thumbnails using Thumbnailator.
ThumbnailatorUtils - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.util
A utility class for Thumbnailator.
ThumbnailMaker - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers
An abstract class which provides support functionalities for ThumbnailMaker implementations.
ThumbnailMaker() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.makers.ThumbnailMaker
Creates and initializes an instance of ThumbnailMaker.
ThumbnailParameter - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator
This class is used to specify the parameters to use when creating a thumbnail.
ThumbnailParameter(Dimension, Region, boolean, String, String, float, int, List<ImageFilter>, Resizer, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Creates an object holding the parameters needed in order to make a thumbnail.
ThumbnailParameter(double, double, Region, boolean, String, String, float, int, List<ImageFilter>, Resizer, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Creates an object holding the parameters needed in order to make a thumbnail.
ThumbnailParameter(Dimension, Region, boolean, String, String, float, int, List<ImageFilter>, ResizerFactory, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Creates an object holding the parameters needed in order to make a thumbnail.
ThumbnailParameter(double, double, Region, boolean, String, String, float, int, List<ImageFilter>, ResizerFactory, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Creates an object holding the parameters needed in order to make a thumbnail.
ThumbnailParameterBuilder - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders
A builder for generating ThumbnailParameter.
ThumbnailParameterBuilder() - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Creates an instance of a ThumbnailParameterBuilder.
Thumbnails - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator
Provides a fluent interface to create thumbnails.
Thumbnails.Builder<T> - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator
The builder interface for Thumbnailator to set up the thumbnail generation task.
ThumbnailTask<S,D> - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
This class is used by ThumbnailTask implementations which is used when creating thumbnails from external sources and destinations.
toFile(File) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Create a thumbnail and writes it to a File.
toFile(String) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Create a thumbnail and writes it to a File.
toFiles(Iterable<File>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates the thumbnails and stores them to the files.
toFiles(Rename) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates thumbnails and stores them to files using the Rename function to determine the filenames.
toFiles(File, Rename) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates thumbnails and stores them to files in the directory specified by the given File object, and using the Rename function to determine the filenames.
toOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Create a thumbnail and writes it to a OutputStream.
toOutputStreams(Iterable<? extends OutputStream>) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Creates the thumbnails and writes them to OutputStreams provided by the Iterable.
toString() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.AbsoluteSize
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Region
Returns a String representation of this region.
toString() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.RelativeSize
Returns a String representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdStructure
Returns a textual String reprensentation of this object.
toString() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns a textual String reprensentation of this enum.
toString() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.Orientation
Returns a textual String reprensentation of this enum.
Transparency - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
An image filter which will make an image transparent.
Transparency(float) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Transparency
Instantiates a Transparency filter with the specified opacity.
Transparency(double) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Transparency
Instantiates a Transparency filter with the specified opacity.
typeOf(int) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns the IfdType corresponding to the given IFD type value.
typeOf(int) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.Orientation
Returns the Orientation corresponding to the given orientation value.


UNKNOWN - Static variable in exception net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.UnsupportedFormatException
A constant which is used to indicate an unknown format.
UnsupportedFormatException - Exception in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks
An exception used to indicate that the specified format could not be used in an operation.
UnsupportedFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.UnsupportedFormatException
Instantiates a UnsupportedFormatException with the unsupported format.
UnsupportedFormatException(String, String) - Constructor for exception net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.UnsupportedFormatException
Instantiates a UnsupportedFormatException with the unsupported format and a detailed message.
URLImageSource - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io
An ImageSource which retrieves a source image from a URL.
URLImageSource(URL) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Instantiates an URLImageSource with the URL from which the source image should be retrieved from.
URLImageSource(String) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Instantiates an URLImageSource with the URL from which the source image should be retrieved from.
URLImageSource(URL, Proxy) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Instantiates an URLImageSource with the URL from which the source image should be retrieved from, along with the proxy to use to connect to the aforementioned URL.
URLImageSource(String, Proxy) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.URLImageSource
Instantiates an URLImageSource with the URL from which the source image should be retrieved from, along with the proxy to use to connect to the aforementioned URL.
useExifOrientation(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.ThumbnailParameterBuilder
Sets whether or not the Exif metadata should be used to determine the orientation of the thumbnail.
useExifOrientation() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns whether or not the Exif metadata should be used to determine the orientation of the thumbnail.
useExifOrientation(boolean) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets whether or not to use the Exif metadata when orienting the thumbnail.
useOriginalFormat() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the compression format to use the same format as the original image.
useOriginalImageType() - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.ThumbnailParameter
Returns whether or not the original image type should be used for the thumbnail.


value() - Method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns the IFD type as a type value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Positions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.AlphaInterpolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Antialiasing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Dithering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Rendering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.ScalingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.Resizers
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Positions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.AlphaInterpolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Antialiasing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Dithering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.Rendering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.configurations.ScalingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.resizers.Resizers
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.IfdType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.coobird.thumbnailator.util.exif.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
VERTICAL - Static variable in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Flip
An image filter which performs a vertical flip of the image.


Watermark - Class in net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters
This class applies a watermark to an image.
Watermark(Position, BufferedImage, float) - Constructor for class net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Watermark
Instantiates a filter which applies a watermark to an image.
watermark(Watermark) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the watermark to apply on the thumbnail.
watermark(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the image of the watermark to apply on the thumbnail.
watermark(BufferedImage, float) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the image and opacity of the watermark to apply on the thumbnail.
watermark(Position, BufferedImage, float) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the image and opacity and position of the watermark to apply on the thumbnail.
width(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.builders.BufferedImageBuilder
Sets the width for the BufferedImage.
width(int) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails.Builder
Sets the width of the thumbnail.
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.FileThumbnailTask
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.AbstractImageSink
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.BufferedImageSink
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.FileImageSink
Writes the resulting image to a file.
write(BufferedImage) - Method in interface net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.ImageSink
Writes the resulting image to a destination.
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.io.OutputStreamImageSink
Writes the resulting image to the OutputStream.
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.SourceSinkThumbnailTask
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.StreamThumbnailTask
write(BufferedImage) - Method in class net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks.ThumbnailTask
Writes the thumbnail to the destination.


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