Package net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters

This package provides classes which perform filtering operations on images, such as adding watermark, text captions, and color tints.


Interface Summary
ImageFilter This interface is to be implemented by classes which performs an image filtering operation on a BufferedImage.

Class Summary
Canvas An ImageFilter which will enclose an image into a specified enclosing image.
Caption An ImageFilter which will overlay a text caption to an image.
Colorize An image filter which will add a color tint to an image.
Flip A class containing flip transformation filters.
Pipeline An ImageFilter which will apply multiple ImageFilters in a specific order.
Rotation A class containing rotation filters.
Rotation.Rotator An ImageFilter which applies a rotation to an image.
Transparency An image filter which will make an image transparent.
Watermark This class applies a watermark to an image.

Package net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters Description

This package provides classes which perform filtering operations on images, such as adding watermark, text captions, and color tints.

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