Package net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks

This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations, which can be used to aid in creating and writing thumbnails to and from external sources.


Class Summary
FileThumbnailTask A thumbnail generation task which reads and writes data from and to a File.
SourceSinkThumbnailTask<S,D> A ThumbnailTask which holds an ImageSource from which the image is read or retrieved, and an ImageSink to which the thumbnail is stored or written.
StreamThumbnailTask A thumbnail generation task which streams data from an InputStream to an OutputStream.
ThumbnailTask<S,D> This class is used by ThumbnailTask implementations which is used when creating thumbnails from external sources and destinations.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedFormatException An exception used to indicate that the specified format could not be used in an operation.

Package net.coobird.thumbnailator.tasks Description

This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations, which can be used to aid in creating and writing thumbnails to and from external sources.

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