
This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations in conjunction with the SourceSinkThumbnailTask class.


Interface Summary
ImageSink<T> An interface to be implemented by classes which stores the image resulting from a thumbnail generation task.
ImageSource<T> An interface to be implemented by classes which read or retrieve images from which a thumbnail should be produced.

Class Summary
AbstractImageSink<T> An abstract class for ImageSinks.
AbstractImageSource<T> An abstract class for ImageSources.
BufferedImageSink An ImageSink which stores the resulting thumbnail to a BufferedImage.
BufferedImageSource An ImageSource which uses a BufferedImage as the source image.
FileImageSink An ImageSink which writes the resulting thumbnail to a file.
FileImageSource An ImageSource which reads the source image from a file.
InputStreamImageSource An ImageSource which uses an InputStream to read the source image.
OutputStreamImageSink An ImageSink which specifies an OutputStream to which the thumbnail image should be written to.
URLImageSource An ImageSource which retrieves a source image from a URL.

Package Description

This package provides classes which perform image input and output operations in conjunction with the SourceSinkThumbnailTask class.

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